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River City Residential Services LLC was established to provide quality residential support utilizing an innovative model of peer-integrated professional treatment services that guide recovering individuals into sustainable healthy lifestyles. 










River City Residential Services LLC’s service offerings include: (1) physician consultation and emergency services available 24 hours per day and seven days per week; (2) arrangements for medically necessary procedures including laboratory and toxicology tests that are appropriate to the severity and urgency of an individual’s condition; (3) arrangements for pharmacotherapy for psychiatric or anti-addiction medications; (4) arrangements for high and lower levels of care and other services; (5) substance use-focused group therapy five times per week; (6) development of independent living and activities of daily living skills; (7) residential living accommodations for patients.










The primary goals of River City Residential Services LLC are to: (1) decrease rates of substance use and other clinical problems that often lead to hospitalization, incarceration, etc., (2) improve the patient’s psychosocial functioning (i.e., family relations, daily life skill application, community involvement, employment), and (3) achieve these outcomes in a manner that is consistent with the health, welfare, and overall well-being of our patients and the community.


River City Residential Services LLC aims to achieve these goals through an Individualized Services Plan that addresses risk factors in an individualized, comprehensive, and integrated fashion; and that empowers patients as well as their families and/or authorized representatives to enhance their coping, adapting, and independent living skills. We deliver our services to our patients at our Department approved facilities with a person-centered focus and purpose to:  


  1. Diffuse and stabilize the presenting SUD crisis through a timely evaluation and intervention that is focused around residential treatment services. The goal is to reduce trauma of SUD to the patients and their family system, as well as prevent the likelihood of ongoing long-term substance use and continued trauma.
  2. ​Provide a comprehensive assessment and develop, implement, and regularly evaluate a multi-systemic Individualized Service Plan (ISP) that provides corrective interventions for the presenting substance use disorder(s), cognitive, emotional, and behavioral issues, as well as any environmental conditions that threaten current or future ability to maintain overall functioning and independence.
  3. ​Provide education, support, training, and feedback to patients and their families and/or authorized representatives to foster the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities for managing the patient’s substance use disorder(s), psychiatric health, and psychosocial conditions. This may include, but not be limited to medical, educational, therapy, activities of daily living (ADLs), independent living skills (ILS), educational services and specific methodology for self-help. 
  4. ​Ensure linkage to needed community services and resources to promote long-term independence and sustainability of treatment gains.






Founded in 2019, River City Residential Services LLC is Richmond's first licensed ASAM 3.1 program. Our leadership is comprised of 4 local community leaders - James Christmas, LCSW of River City Comprehensive Counseling Services and River City Integrative Counseling, Dr. Peter Breslin  of Verity Addiction, David Rook of True Recovery, and Michael Tillem of Journey House Recovery.

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© 2020 River City Residential Services LLC

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